Welcome to the Virginia Climate Voices Blog!
Here we will highlight recent climate news, resiliency efforts in Virginia, and our work with local municipalities including our partners! Sign up for our email list below to receive alerts for new blog posts and other news coming out of VCC.
Diving into equity: Examining flood-related road closures in Virginia
Postdoctoral researcher Dr. P. J. Ruess dives into the social and environmental justice implications of flood-related road closures in the Commonwealth.
Investigating the whirlwind of changing tornado activity in Virginia
Alexandria Dingman, an atmospheric science student at George Mason University, explores Virginia’s shifting tornado activity.
Feeling the heat at George Mason University
VCC faculty and students volunteered to collect temperature data with sensors perched on backpacks and cars on a sweltering day in August.
From Bluegrass to Blue Ridge: How Kentucky’s horses can help Virginia communities gain climate resilience
In June, leaders of George Mason’s Accelerating Research Translation (ART) initiative funded by NSF convened at the University of Kentucky to learn how their experts are pioneering efforts in research translation.
Surveying communities’ lived experiences with extreme heat in the City of Alexandria
The effects of extreme heat are disproportionately distributed, negatively impacting some people more than others. VCC researchers are surveying communities in the City of Alexandria to better understand their experiences during heatwaves.
Addressing the increasing wildfire risk in Virginia
Virginia is no stranger to wildfires, however, the ongoing blaze in Page County and other parts of Virginia may be a symptom of increasing risk in a warming world.
NCA5’s message to Virginia
The Fifth National Climate Assessment is here, and Virginia is taking notes.
The many faces of climate change in Virginia
In a state as diverse as Virginia, so are the climate impacts - and the approach to covering them.
The case of Held v. Montana - What is the Treasure State’s true treasure?
In Held v Montana, 16 Montana kids challenged state law leading to a landmark court decision on climate change.
The young and the bold - Supporting our youth taking on climate change
This isn’t a coming-of-age novel but if there were a story about humanity’s fight against climate change, young adults would still be the main characters.
Lessons from the origins of community engagement
Learning from historic successes in community engagement.
The ins and outs of measuring heat
Ambient? Wet bulb? We’re here to demystify the heat measurements infiltrating mainstream media.
You don’t need to be a climatologist to know, the times they are a-changin’
Virginia’s climate is a-changin’, but we’re working to ensure that our communities are forewarned about the changes that are already happening and the changes to come.
Chill out! How to keep cool in the growing Virginia heat
Learn more about the importance of staying cool during extreme heat and steps to keep you and your family safe this summer.
Protecting ourselves and our families from wildfire pollution
Smoke? Haze? What was clouding the Virginia air recently?
1.5°C and what it means for Virginia
Why has 1.5°C been in the headlines recently? A review of the WMO’s new report and what it means for Virginia.
International collaboration to strengthen climate resiliency planning in VA
VCC collaborates with international colleagues to support Virginia resiliency.